
Schema Builder
Image Ninja
Local Entities
Schema Visual Graph
Single page Entity Analysis
Competitor Entity Analysis
Competitor Schema Scraper


Craft advanced schema on a per page basis.


  • You'll need to add two WP plugins to your site: HFCM, which we use to inject the schema into the pages, and a tiny custom WP plugin which creates an endpoint for us to add schema into HFCM.
  • The ability to read and write schema is done over WP's REST API along with an application password, making the access secure. You can at any time revoke the application password which will prevent external access from Schema Zone.

Setup Steps

In your website:

  1. Install the Header Footer Code Manager plugin. This is mandatory if you want the schema tool to write schema to your site. If not, you'll have to manually add schema to your site.
  2. If you want to take advantage of the schema push, then install this plugin next (click to download).
  3. Create a new user - editor level - you'll use just for the WP application.
  4. Generate the application password, copy it, and remove any spaces.

Setup Steps Contd.

In Schema Zone:

  1. Add a new client (link).
  2. Fill out the following info:
    1. Site name for your reference
    2. Full URL including http(s) and www if used.
    3. Determine type of business (LocalBusiness for example)
    4. If this is a multi location business, tick the box.
    5. If you use custom post types, and want to create schema for those, add a comma separated list of the post types. By default, the tool pulls pages. You can leave this blank if you don't use custom post types.
    6. The username of the user you created previously. This is NOT the application name.
    7. The application password you previously generated - without spaces.

Building Schema

  1. If you installed the custom plugin on your website, select the website from the dropdown. A few seconds later, the pages and any custom post types you specified will populate into the right hand drop down. If you're not using the plugin to connect to your site, simply select "MANUAL ENTRY".
  2. Select the type of page for which you want to build schema.
  3. Select the target page for which you want to build schema. (n/a for manual entry) When you select a page, you'll see the URL, page title and publish date populate in the data entry boxes.

Important Notes

There is a recommended hierarchy of building schema. If you have any of these types of pages, build them out in this order to avoid omissions in the parent page's schema.

  1. Service pages. The schema you create for these pages is referenced in the service overview page.
  2. Service overview page. This page is referenced in the home page.
  3. City landing pages. These pages are referenced in the home page.
  4. News articles. These pages are referenced in the home page.
  5. Bio pages. These pages are referenced in the home page.
  6. Contact & about. These pages are referenced in the home page.
  7. Home page.

If you are using Wordfence, the application password section may be disabled. Enable WordPress application passwords found in the Brute Force Protection section on the All Options page


Add schema (or any other text you desire) into the data layer of an image.


It should be pretty self explanatory, as the page has a very basic UI, but here we go:

  1. Drag and drop a single jpg image into the shaded area. Make sure it's not a massive file. Keep it to below 200kB. You should always compress and size your images anyway before uploading into WP.
  2. Grab a copy of your schema / other text you want to embed, and paste it into the text area.
  3. Click the green button.
  4. In a couple of seconds, your browser will attempt to download the image, so watch out for browser alerts, and allow them as needed.
  5. The images are not stored on the server, so there is no way to redownload them.


  • This is not the same as adding in EXIF data into an image like you would with windows (i.e. image select -> properties -> details). In fact, you can't even see the data when you inspect the image properties.
  • The data is embedded into the actual image. You can't visually see it, but the schema validator tool can definitely read the image (which it can't do if it's stored in the EXIF data)
  • If you upload the image to WordPress, by default, WP makes copies of the image with different dimensions, and will rebuild the image, thus erasing any data you added. The original image should maintain the schema embed. (always check). If the original image does get scrubbed, store it in a folder outside of WordPress, and use the "insert from URL" feature of WP to add to a page/post.
  • If you use image compression plugins, you'll likely lose the schema embed also. Refer to the above note.


Find local entities (points of interest / things to do) to use in your website content.


Local POIs

  1. Type in the city name. Autocomplete is enabled, so select from the dropdown list.
  2. Select the desired radius. For dense areas, suggest you use a smaller search radius, like 5 miles. For super local, you can go down to a 1-3 mile radius.
  3. Select the types of places you want to find. More is not always better, be smart about it. In some cases, there may not be any hits on the places for the search radius, so the output won't contain places for that type of place.
  4. Click on the "Get Local POIs" button. A few seconds later, content will appear in the right hand box.

Nearby Towns

  1. Type in the city name. Autocomplete is enabled, so select from the dropdown list.
  2. Click on the "Get Nearby Towns" button. A few seconds later, content will appear in the right hand box.


  • Content is appended to the text area, so if you rerun the search, make sure you clear the output section.
  • This tool uses API credits.


To view a page's schema in a visual format, making it easy to see relationships and possible holes. Use it on your website pages or any website page. As long as it contains schema in json LD format, this tool will read it.


  1. Enter the full URL of the page you'd like to extract schema. IMPT: Make sure to paste it from the address bar, so it includes the http/s and www portion (if used).
  2. Alternatively, paste in the text schema that you may have generated offline.
  3. Click the "Process" button, and a few seconds later, you'll see the visualization appear in the right panel.


  • Make sure to use a URL that does use the json-LD schema format. Check it in the schema validator tool first.
  • Your browser will be rendering the visual graph. For huge schemas, it may take a while to settle down. Be patient!
  • Zoom in and drag the visual as needed. You can drag individual nodes to help clarify a node relationship.
  • The important properties are the @id and the @type. Make sure you have those on every page.
  • Properties are the yellow (or red) labels.
  • Property values are in the nodes at the end of each arrow.
  • Your WP theme may include some default schema (SEOPress does this out of the box, ex with "Organization" schema), so you'll see little "islands" of useless schema you may want to disable in the theme.
  • You want to see a solid hierarchy of schema on that page, meaning relationships make sense, and tiers of values and relationships.
  • There's a really good course on IMG called "Entities and Schema" which goes into a load of detail about schema. Check it out.


To view the entities which are discovered on a given page. Use cases include:

  • Making sure there are no entities on the page which are not semantically close to the intended topic of the page.
  • Discover the words on the page which are relating to a given entity.
  • Looking at entity density on a given page.
  • Make sure there are no ambiguous entities on the page.
  • Looking at other pages on your site which may be poaching entities from the desired page.
  • Helping to define your entity silos.


  1. Enter the full URL of the page you'd like to extract entities. IMPT: Make sure to paste it from the address bar, so it includes the http/s and www portion (if used).
  2. Click the "Submit" button, and a few seconds later, you'll see the entities discovered in the lower panel.
  3. If you want to download the list, click on the csv icon (see the green arrow)


  • The definition of an entity in this case means the word(s) discovered are very closely related to a Wikipedia page. You may argue that Wikipedia is not an exhaustive list of entities, and you'd be correct. You can click on any of the links under the entity column and be taken to that Wikipedia page for clarification. An entity with no Wikipedia reference is hard to verify or clarify.
  • This is an NLP tool which looks at the content of your page, and does a best guess. Maybe not perfect, but it gives you a great exposure to what your page is about.
  • If for some reason the URL is blocked to non-human users, you may not see any results.
  • The "relevance" score is an estimation of how relevant a given entity is to the entire page. In the screenshot, you see the entity of "Data" only having a relevance score of 27% and "XML schema" having a score of 36%. Those scores are generally in the right ballpark, so look through the results and see if any of them need to be removed. Check the context of the sentence. In this example, those words will stay, as the context in which those words are used IS accurate.
  • "Count" indicates how many times the entity was found on the page. Note that it may include footer text when crawling for entities.


To view the entities which are discovered on a given set of pages. Use cases include:

  • Discover entities which are on your competitors' pages, but not on your target page.
  • Compare the entity density / frequency of your competitor pages compared to your target page.
  • Compare how often the entities show up on your target page compared with the competition.
  • Comparing other pages on your site which may be poaching entities from the target page.


  1. Enter the full URL of the target page you'd like to analyze. Best to use an inner page since a home page may contain a wide variety of entities. IMPT: Make sure to paste it from the address bar, so it includes the http/s and www portion (if used).
  2. Enter the full URL of the competitor page you'd like to compare. Best practice here is to use their inner pages. In the screenshot example, we use a dentist's Invisalign service page. If the whole site was about Invisalign, don't use it, as it's not a good benchmark for a regular dental clinic. You can enter up to 10 competitor URLs.
  3. Click the "Submit" button, and a short while later, you'll see the entity report.
  4. The frequency shows the maximum and average of those entities uses across the competitors. The yellow line is your target page. You'll likely want to adjust your entity density to be close to the average.
  5. The Entity Distribution panel shows all of the entities discovered across all pages, including your target page ("T" column) along with the counts found on each page. This is useful to see where you may be falling short or over optimizing for a given entity.
  6. The Corpus Entity panel shows common entities - those which show up in two or more pages. This helps to avoid brand name and other irrelevant entities muddying up the data.
  7. If you want to download the list, click on the appropriate csv icon.


  • Worth mentioning again - use this to compare INNER PAGES of websites. Home pages are different animals than inner pages such as service pages.
  • The definition of an entity in this case means the word(s) discovered are very closely related to a Wikipedia page. You may argue that Wikipedia is not an exhaustive list of entities, and you'd be correct. You can click on any of the links under the entity column and be taken to that Wikipedia page for clarification. An entity with no Wikipedia reference is hard to verify or clarify.
  • This is an NLP tool which looks at the content of your page, and does a best guess. Maybe not perfect, but it gives you a great exposure to what the pages are about.
  • If for some reason a site blocks non-human users, you may not see any results for that specific URL.
  • This tool uses one API credit for every URL you analyze, so your target page plus four competitor pages = 4 API credits.


To copy the schema used on a competitor's page and use on your own site.


  • Make sure the schema on the site you're copying is good....whatever definition you use for good. If it's bad, then the old adage "garbage in, garbage out" applies. This is not a shortcut to schema domination if you don't understand what you're looking at.
  • The tool basically copies any json-ld schema and does a search & replace of your competitor's domain name with your domain name, so links to pages, images etc etc will NOT be changed. YOU STILL HAVE TO MANUALLY EDIT THIS NEW SCHEMA TO REFLECT YOUR SITE'S ASSETS.


  1. Enter the full URL of the target site's page you'd like to scrape.
  2. Enter the full URL of your website's page.
  3. Click "Engage Cheat Mode".


  • Worth mentioning again - GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. Don't blindly copy & paste.
  • If the target site isn't using json-LD schema, it won't be discovered.
  • If the target site blocks non-humans, you may not get a result.